Monday, November 15, 2010

Picture an Adventure

Falling in love always makes someone fall off the face of the Earth. I don't think any other emotion can cause such disruption in one's life, for such an extend period of time. Because when you're in love, and the love is reciprocated, the fire just keeps getting fed. For me, it's one of the main reasons that the summer and the fall months turned into winter in the amount of time that it takes for water to boil. You just keep finding meaningful ways to spend your time while you wait for the tiny bubbles to appear, and before you know it, you're enjoying a hot, tasty tea. Even better, you're sharing it with someone you enjoy just as much as your tea, watching the confetti-colored leaves spiral to the ground.

Okay, I know that was cheesy, but by now, most of us can relate. Which is why I know you'll understand why it's most appropriate to display the last 5 months (the length of time since the last post) in terms of photographs. Me and my beau, Todd, have traveled to some memorable places and met some generous folks along the way. Stay tuned for more...

Here are several pics from our travels together*:

1. Todd went to Mardi Gras with a good friend, last February. I didn't really know him very well at the time, but he made sure to send me pictures, so I didn't feel left out.

2. Todd enjoys the outdoors just as much as I do. We went to Taos, New Mexico in September, with his best friend, and saw a couple of tiny bear cubs late one night. We also spent time on the mesa and I learned what kinds of recycled building materials are utilized in this environment.

3. Todd is a talented and very creative musician. He plays guitar and sings in a couple of bands in the OKC/Norman area. It is a blast to watch him perform and hear what his newest ideas consist of. Here he is on the Grammy's stage, with one of his biggest and youngest fans, Steven.

4. Since Todd plays in a band, on stage, he's not a stranger to getting tattoos. He's a rock star, and rock stars need tattoos, so while we were at a friend's place in Chicago, he got some new ink.

5. Interesting women are always drawn to Todd. This lady, Zelda, asked me to take their picture when we were at the Norman Medieval Fair last May. I didn't want to be rude, so I obliged. She turned out to be really nice, and even gave us a turkey leg. Yummy!

6. Todd also works part time for Science Museum, Oklahoma. Bill Nye was presenting a workshop about electro-auto fastening micro cordless peddle boards (one of Todd's favorite subjects), and was so impressed by all of Todd's knowledge and initiative in answering questions, Mr. Nye just couldn't pass up the photo op.

7. Yup! We're hanging with the big wigs. Todd has encouraged me to become more involved with world affairs and politics. We were invited to vote in the gubernatorial elections in November, as citizens of towns in the state of Oklahoma. This picture was taken after Obama won the presidential election.

8. Okay, this one was photo-shopped. Maybe one day we'll make it to Mecca...

9. Here we are preparing for our trip to the Moon. Since we enjoy traveling the Earth so much together, we thought we'd shoot for it. That way, I'll be able to thank my lucky stars, in person.

Well, there you have it, folks. We have been busy learning new things about the world we live in, and about each other, and as a couple of young adults.

Peace and hugs!


*Photos courtesy of the Flat Stanley Project ( Remember him? My sister sent Stanley to Guam when our cousins lived there some time ago.

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