Tuesday, July 9, 2013

The Complications of Communication

Once upon a time, I was surrounded by changes, until all of the changes made changes feel like no change at all.

It's as if we're speaking a language of similes like smiles turning upside down.  And if we do the 'hokie pokie' and 'turn it upside down' 180 degrees again, that's actually what it's all about.  Smiles.  Miles and miles and miles of smiles, stamped on faces and stamped on tiles upon which we stomp, for miles and miles.

And then, one day, we awake from our revere and recognize, full of  surprise, that we are still healthy and alive.  With friends and family right by our sides.  We are lucky, if not for the first time.  The sun shines.  The birds fly.  Flowers bloom and then they die.  Colors fade.  Nothing remains the same forever, except the word forever.  And ever.  And ever.  And never.  But not ever never.  It must be 'never ever'.  Forever.

If we make believe you are King and I am Queen, then that would change everything.  You see, I forgot what it was like to remember what it was like to fall from the skies and into your arms and out of the blue, fall deeply and madly in love with you.

But then the winds began to blow and the rains began to fall and then the weather changed once again and I remembered the dream where I was not in love with you at all.  At all.

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