Wednesday, September 14, 2011

The Road Most Traveled.

This month's full moon is beginning to wane, and the wind is blowing cooler air across my eyelashes. Something is changing in this atmosphere. Something is changing in the skies. Something is always changing.

We're gearing up for our 3 month music and art national caravan tour, beginning with a music and art local house show at my house tomorrow night, in Norman, Oklahoma. We leave on Friday, and I feel like there is so much to do and so little time. I don't remember the last time I've felt this way. I don't remember the last time I've been this excited.

From the moment it was decided that I would travel with the boys, paths continued to clear, to allow for this process to happen. We have been fortunate to not have very many obstacles to clear, thus far. Thank you. Joey lost his wallet a couple of days ago at the final summer concert at Lion's Park. We had accepted the loss of money, ID, and memory of the Tibetan wallet that he cherished. We began the process of mourning and moving on from the loss, (he had already purchased a new ID) so the next time we road by the park to check one final time, his grass colored wallet appeared to me like a giant emerald. Everything recovered.

It's been days and nights of creating resourceful and practical art out of as much recycled materials as possible, to take with us to sell on the road. It's been days and nights of focusing on health and well being, exercise and relationships with friends and family that I will think about and write to, while on the road.

Mom came for a visit, and left with the dog. It's strange not having the black furred boy-boy passed out next to me on the floor, and barking incessantly at the mail man.

I love these days and nights of preparing to depart, even though they bring twinges of stress. I know I will love the days and nights on the road, seeing new sights and meeting new friends, writing new thoughts and creating new works.

This dove is about to fly in all directions and so are the leaves.

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