Saturday, March 20, 2010

Mother Nature Has a Bizarre Sense of Humor

But, it's okay because I do too! Yes, I understand she will always have the last laugh, but I like to think of it as laughing with us, not at us. However, I am an optimist.

I just love the National Weather Service's clip art from the seven day forecast. Always keeping the folks that post for Oklahoma on their toes:
Fri-32 Sat-34 Sun-28 Mon-60(BTW, this is "blowing snow")

I made plans to till up a couple of garden beds with a friend on Sunday. That was last week though. Apparently, I blocked it out in my head that one still can't plan 12 hours ahead, much less a week, when it comes to outdoor activities in this state. I did, however, walk to Walgreens tonight, in between rain showers, while the temps dropped, and picked up 6 packets of veggie seeds. They had a bunch of random packets, ranging from herbs to veggies and fruits to flowers, all for 3 for $.99. This is the least expensive I've found all around town. I am convinced that seeds don't need to be fancy. They'll grow if you plant them, if they want. In fact, if you do your research, you'll figure out exactly how to get extracted seeds from the fruit to germinate, for free. You're probably saying, duh, but some fruits just don't work that way, like hybridized seeds that come from the apple you just ate. Apparently, you have to stratify them (keep them cool for a period of time) after drying to get those suckers started.

Anyway, I guess it's her way of telling us to have a nice weekend. So I'm going to try to do that by road tripping farther north to Wichita, KS, to see some friends play at a show. Seriously, though, I hope this is the trump hand. I'm so ready to be warm and outside!!

My mom sent an email today informing me about World Water Day, which is this Monday, March 22nd. Most of the scheduled activities take place in Washington D.C., but obviously you can celebrate in your own way, depending on what water means to you. I did a little more research and stumbled upon this documentary called Tapped, that takes a look at the bottled water industry and access to and waste of water in general. A little corny (not to mention misuse of resources), a "mobile translucent recycling container will kick off the "Get off the H2O Bottle" tour in Los Angeles with an empty cabin that will be filled with the public’s empty water bottles by the time the team ends up in New York City on Earth Day (April 22nd, 2010)." This bottle thing will be coming through Norman, though, on April 6th. I couldn't find out where exactly or what this means, besides the possibility of free stuff from the sponsors, Klean Kanteen, Food and Water Watch, Multi-Pure water filters, and Aveda. A giant bottle on wheels; I wonder who was in charge of their PR...

On another note, I thought of a few more ways I've decided to reduce consumption and save energy:

*Unplugging small appliances. I think the only thing that is consistently in the wall is my bedside lamp. I also keep the refrigerator and washer and dryer connected, although now, writing this, I should probably unplug everything but the fridge.

*Setting up a clothesline outside. It was the only way my clothes dried in Gambia. It only makes sense to make use of this sun after so much winter. It's like cashing in double.

*Riding my bike around town. I almost didn't mention this because it is second nature. If setting up a clothesline is like cashing in double, riding your bike around town is like hitting jackpot. You save on fuel and reduce emissions, while giving your heart and muscles some lovin'.

Okie dokie, Okies, have a nice weekend!

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