Saturday, August 6, 2011

So, it has taken me a while to justify writing about my thoughts with the public, once again. “Blogging” is so very interesting to me. What makes someone want to read about someone else’s life on the Internet? Is it more interesting to read about a complete stranger, compared to someone who lives in the same town? Or what about someone you once knew pretty well, but they’ve moved away. Why does one even want to express their thoughts publicly? There are hundreds of thousands of blogs out there, from hundreds of thousands of people doing hundreds of thousand of different things. Maybe that’s what makes public writing so interesting. I am grateful I was encouraged to learn to read and to write the English language. What a gift!

But what are people’s motives and does it even matter? Why would you give a shit about what I have to write on these pages? (Don’t worry, I actually don’t give a shit either, if you even do…which is my justification and motive behind public writing, once again). So there you have it, folks. Take what you want, leave what you want because life’s too short not to be doing what you want (without harming others). And this is what I want; to write, openly and honestly, and share my ideas and pictures, and expressions. Some of it true, and some of it from my imagination. Don’t read it just because I write it, and stop reading as soon as you don’t want to be reading anymore and you’d rather be doing something else. If you want more information, or need a little help, all you have to do is ask.

Long ago, I decided to dedicate my life and actions to improving humanity, as much as one person can dedicate and improve. I cannot promise answers, but I can listen and help formulate ideas and actions, based on our experiences and from those surrounding the circumstances. Humans are an extremely unique and bizarre species. We didn’t choose to be born, but we’ve got to try to figure out how to live. My philosphy? Keep things in perspective, treat people like you’d like to be treated, and consciously use as little as possible.

Yesterday, I put in my resignation from the job where I worked for over the past year and a half. I am finally releasing myself from incredibly bad energy and motives. It’s not quite over yet, but it will feel really really, really good when it is. At the same time, I’m releasing myself from extremely wonderful energy, although I feel that relationships will still be maintained. I am excited for this change of scenery. Obviously, better and more postive things await.

If you’ve made it this far, thank you very much for reading! One of the many things I learned from my parents was to always say please and thank you and to be polite, in general. So thank you for taking time to read this, when you could have been spending time doing something else. I hope that you keep reading.

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